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Committees are an integral part of the success of our organization. They supplement the work of the board and staff, engage members, and develop into leaders. Joining a committee has always been a great way to make new contacts, learn about new trends in our profession, and have a voice in shaping the Association’s direction. Each year over one hundred REALTORS® become active participants in the Nebraska REALTORS® Association of committees. If you’d like to get more involved or simply have some great ideas, joining a committee is a perfect place to start. We have plenty of opportunities for you.

Committees Open to Member Volunteers:

These committees are made up of members who volunteer their time and effort. Members can apply to serve on one or more committees based on their interests. Some committees have requirements for membership, while others have waiting lists. If you are interested in signing up to serve on a committee, click here to fill out the form.

*Committees typically meet twice a year in conjunction with the State Association's annual convention and fall meetings. Meetings are called as necessary in between these times and, depending on the nature of the meeting, can be set up as a teleconference or webinar meeting.

This Committee is charged with the planning, promotion, and execution of the Association's Annual Convention. The Chairperson may appoint such subcommittees as necessary to serve the special needs and functions of the convention.

2025 Convention Committee Chair: Kristen Lehl

Staff Liaison: Shianne Yarrington

**For information on appointed committees, please contact the State Association office (email or 402-323-6500). These committees include:

  • GRI Board of Governors (Staff Liaison: Jennie Flores)
  • Nominating Committee (Staff Liaison: Ashlee Hendrickson)
  • RPAC Trustees (Staff Liaison:Ashlee Hendrickson)
  • Strategic Planning Committee (Staff Liaison: Ashlee Hendrickson)